Перечень документации медтехники (в т.ч. на русском языке):
Инструкция оператора Operator manual, Инструкция по монтажу Installation instructions, Инструкция по монтажу и обслуживанию Installation and Maintenance Guide, Инструкция по монтажу и эксплуатации Installation and operation, Инструкция по наладке Adjustment Instruction, Инструкция по обслуживанию и ремонту Adjustment instructions, Инструкция по подготовке Training Manual, Инструкция по применению и обслуживанию User and Service manual, Инструкция по ремонту (схема электрическая) Repair Instructions (circuitry), Инструкция по техническому обслуживанию Maintenance Instruction, Инструкция по установке Installation Manual, Инструкция по установке и обслуживанию Servise and Installation manual, Инструкция по утилизации Instructions for disposal, Инструкция по экспл. и обслуживанию Operating and Service Documentation, Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual, Инструкция по эксплуатации, методика поверки Instruction manual, calibration, Инструкция по эксплуатации, схема Operating Instructions, diagram, Инструкция пользователя User manual, Инструкция, руководство по ремонту Repair Instructions, Каталог (элементов, запчастей и пр.) Catalogue, Spare Parts list, Методика испытаний Test Methods, Методика настройки Setup Methods, Методика поверки Methods of verification, Методика расчета Calculation procedure, Методические материалы Methodical materials, Паспорт Passport, Паспорт +схема электрическая Passport +circuit, Паспорт, инструкция по эксплуатации Passport user manual, Паспорт, методика поверки Passport verification procedure, Программное обеспечение , Рекомендации по ремонту Recommendations for repair, Руководство администратора Administrator’s Guide, Руководство оператора Operators Guide, Руководство по обработке и уходу Manual handling, Руководство по установке Installation Manual, Руководство по установке и эксплуатации Installation & Maintenance Manual, Руководство пользователя Users guide, Сервисная инструкция Service manual, Справочные материалы Reference manual, Схема электрическая Electric scheme (circuit), Техническая документация Technical Documentation/Manual, Технические условия Specifications, Технические характеристики Specifications, Техническое описание Technical description, Техническое описание, инструкция по эксплуат. Technical description, instructions, Техническое руководство Technical manual, Эксплуатационная и сервисная документация Operating and Service Documentation, Эксплуатационная и сервисная документация Operating and Service Documentation, Эксплуатационная и сервисная документация Operating and Service Documentation, ...
ABX Micros 60-OT (RAB 042 A Ind D) Horiba -ABX Diagnostics, ABX Micros CRP Horiba -ABX Diagnostics, ABX Micros ES 60 OT/CT Horiba -ABX Diagnostics, ABX Micros ES 60 OT/CT Horiba -ABX Diagnostics, ABX Micros ES 60/ESV 60 Horiba -ABX Diagnostics, AC9900 (Audicom), Accurus Alcon, Accutorr 3 Mindray, Accutorr 3, 3SAT, 4, 4SAT (Bedienungsanleitung), Accutorr Plus Mindray, Accutorr Plus Datascope, Accutorr Plus (103 стр) Datascope, Accutorr Plus (236 стр) Datascope, Accutorr V Mindray, Accutrend GC (глюкозы и холестерина) Roche, Accuvix A30 (v1.00.01) [Medison] Samsung, Accuvix A30 (v1.00.01) [Medison] Samsung, Accuvix A30 (v2.01.00) [Medison] Samsung, Accuvix A30 (v3.00.00) [Medison] Samsung, Accuvix V20 Medison, Accuvix V20 (Samsung) Medison, Achieva Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Achieva Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Achieva Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Achieva Nellcor Puritan Bennett, ACL 100...7000 Instrumentation Laborat, ACL 8/9/10000 System Instrumentation Laborat, ACL 9000 Instrumentation Laborat, ACL Elite - Elite Pro System Instrumentation Laborat, ACL Elite - Elite Pro System (Quick reference guide) Beckman Coulter, ACL Elite - Elite Pro System (Training Modules) Beckman Coulter, ACL System Instrumentation Laborat, ACL TOP Instrumentation Laborat, ACM 600 Series, ACP 215 Haemonetics, ACP 215 Haemonetics, AcT 5 diff Beckman Coulter, AcT 5 diff с авто подачей Beckman Coulter, AcT 5 diff, CP, AL - Host Transmission Specification Beckman Coulter, ACT Diff Beckman Coulter, ACT Diff (+гидравлика) Beckman Coulter, ACT Diff (Гистограммы Обучающее руководство) Beckman Coulter, ACT Diff 2 Beckman Coulter, ACT Series Analyzer Beckman Coulter, ACT Series Analyzer Beckman Coulter, Activion 16 TSX-031A Toshiba, Activion 16 TSX-031A (3D Volume) Toshiba, Activion 16 TSX-031A (Basic Volume) Toshiba, Activion 16 TSX-031A (CT Operation card) Toshiba, Activion 16 TSX-031A (Precautions Volume) Toshiba, Activion 16 TSX-031A (Quick Reference Volume) Toshiba, Activion 16 TSX-031A (Site Planning Manual) Toshiba, Activion 16 TSX-031A (Troubleshooting Guide) Toshiba, Acuson 128XP Siemens, Acuson 128XP Siemens, Acuson 128XP - TIP ACU-108 Planned Verification Siemens, Acuson Antares Siemens, Acuson Antares Siemens, Acuson Antares (1 Ver.4.0) Siemens, Acuson Antares (2 Ver.4.0) Siemens, Acuson Antares (Troubleshooting Tools) Siemens, Acuson Antares (Дополнение) Siemens, Acuson Aspen Siemens, Acuson Aspen (Service Training Manual) Siemens, Acuson Cypress Siemens, Acuson Cypress Siemens, Acuson P10 (Error message guide) Siemens, Acuson s2000 Siemens, Acuson s2000 v1.6 2009 Siemens, Acuson s2000 v3.0 2011 Siemens, Acuson Sequoia (Features by Release) Siemens, Acuson Sequoia (Hard Drive Replacement and Relocation) Siemens, Acuson Sequoia (Hard Drive Replacement) Siemens, Acuson Sequoia (Minimum Hardware Requirements) Siemens, Acuson Sequoia (Power-Up Problems) Siemens, Acuson Sequoia (Troubleshooting Tools) Siemens, Acuson Sequoia 512 General Electric, Acuson Sequoia 512 (Western Diagnostics), Acuson Sequoia 512, C512, C256 Siemens, Acuson Sequoia 512, C512, C256 Siemens, Acuson Sequoia 512, C512, C256 (Датчики) Siemens, Acuson x300 Siemens, Acuson x300 Replacements of Parts Siemens, Adani HF Series Sedecal, Advance Bed Hill-Rom, Advance PET Imaging System Renewal Parts Manual General Electric, Adventurer series прецизионные (Ohaus Europe), Advia 120 Bayer, Advia 120 - Communication & Host Computer Bayer, Advia 1200 - Communication & Host Computer Bayer, Advia 1650 Siemens, Advia 1650 - Getting Started Bayer, Advia 1650 - Workstation and a Host Computer Bayer, Advia 1800 Siemens, Advia 2120 Bayer, Advia 2120 - Communication & Host Computer Bayer, Advia 2120, 2120i Siemens, Advia 2400 Siemens, Advia 2400 Siemens, Advia 2400 - Getting Started Bayer, Advia 2400 - LAS interface Guide Siemens, Advia 60 Bayer, Advia 60 Bayer, Advia 60 Bayer, Advia 60-CT Bayer, Advia 70 Bayer, Advia 70 Bayer, Advia Centaur, Centaur XP Parts and Repair Service Guide Bayer, Advia Chemistry XPT System Siemens, Aec preamplifier circuit TXAEC2 (CAEC201) Innomed, Aeon 7200A Aeonmed, Aeon 7400A Aeonmed, Aeon 7400A Aeonmed, Aeon 7500A Aeonmed, Aeon 7500A, 7200A, 7400A Aeonmed, Aeon 7700A Aeonmed, Aeon 7800A Aeonmed, Aeros 4300 Dixion, Aeros 4500 Dixion, Aesculap GN 300, Aespire 7100 Datex-Ohmeda, Aespire 7900 Datex-Ohmeda, Aespire 7900 - Part 1 Datex-Ohmeda, Aespire 7900 - Part 2 Datex-Ohmeda, Aespire S/5 Datex-Ohmeda, Aespire S/5 Datex-Ohmeda, Aespire S/5 Quick Reference Guide Datex-Ohmeda, Aespire View Datex-Ohmeda, Aespire View (Software Revision 6.X) Datex-Ohmeda, Aespire View (Software Revision 6.X) Datex-Ohmeda, Ahemat (Анемат) N8-Mini 950 Chirana, Aim, Aim Plus Abbott, Air-Flow handy 2+ EMS, Air-Flow handy 3.0 EMS, Air-Flow Master EMS, Air-Flow Prophylaxis Master EMS, Air-Flow S1 EMS, Air-Flow S2 EMS, Air-Flow S2 (для полировки и чистки зубов) EMS, Airis 2 Hitachi, Airo [Mobius], Airo [Mobius], Airstream Class II, 2010 Esco, Airstream Class II, 2013 Esco, Aisys (2005) Datex-Ohmeda, Aisys (2010) Datex-Ohmeda, Aisys (Revision 3.X Part 1 of 2) Datex-Ohmeda, Aisys (Revision 7.X) General Electric, AJ 11, 12, 15 (Ajax) Country: China, AJ 11, 12, 15 (Ajax) Country: China, AJ 12 (Ajax) Country: China, AJ 12, 15 (Ajax) Country: China, AJ 12, 15 (Ajax) Country: China, AJ 16 (Ajax) Country: China, AJ-СE/AJH-СE (лабораторные) (Vibra), AK 10 Blood monitor BMM 10-1 Gambro, AK 200 (1998) Gambro, AK 200 S - коды ошибок Gambro, AK 200 Ultra Gambro, AK 200 Ultra S Gambro, AK 200S & AK 200 ULTRA S Gambro, AK 200S & AK 200 ULTRA S Gambro, AK-96 Gambro, AK-98 Gambro, Akzent X (для ингаляционного наркоза) Stephan, Albumin 201 (HemoCue), ALCOLMETER S-D2 (паров этанола) Lion, ALCOLMETER SD-400, SD-400P (паров этанола) Lion, Alcotest 6810 (паров этанола) Drager, Alegria (Orgentec), Alegria (Service Software Version 5) [Orgentec], Alfa Remote Control X-ray (CAT), ALI NewPORT 2.0 СИ, Alia Stephan, Alifax TEST1 (Version 6.01E) Alifax, Alifax TEST1 (Version 6.01G) СОЭ Alifax, Alifax TEST1 (Version 6.50B) СОЭ Alifax, Alisei Q.S. (Seac), Allegra X-12 Beckman Coulter, Alpha 1000 Fukuda, Alpha-Delta Siare, Amadeus Hamilton Medical, Amax CS-190 (Sigma-Amelung) Tcoag, Amax Destiny Plus (Amelung - Trinity Biotech) Tcoag, AMC серии (AMG), Amecare Ardo, Amelette Ardo, Amelia, Amelia Star Ardo, AMP BP868 (артериального давления), AMP Piccos-05, AMP Piccos-05, Amsco Eagle 3017 (Steris), Amsco Reliance 444 (Steris), AMX-II General Electric, AMX-II General Electric, AND 100 DGM, AND 100 DGM, AND 150 DGM, AND 300 DGM, AND 300 DGM,
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